• 18/10/2022
    Hair cyst (pilonidal sinus)

    Hair cyst (pilonidal sinus)

    What is it ? It is a cyst that appears at the bottom of the lower back. and contains hair and the remains of skin cells that become infected and inflammation and thus turn into a hair abscess accompanied by pain and purulent secretions . the most important reasons for the formation of a hair

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    • 18/10/2022
    Acute appendicitis

    Acute appendicitis

    Appendicitis is the most common surgical cause of acute abdominal pain, where symptoms begin with nausea, vomiting and moderate temperature, then abdominal pain around the umblicus, then the pain moves to the lower abdomen and is concentrated on the right side. treatment: Early surgical excision by laparoscopy after performing the necessary laboratory and radiological examinations

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    • 18/10/2022


    Symptoms: 1- Sudden pain in the upper abdomen on the right side. 2- The pain extends to the right shoulder and back 3- The pain lasts from several minutes to several hours. 4- The color of urine becomes dark sometimes. treatment: Surgery is the main treatment option for gallstones. The surgery is done laparoscopically through

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