Welcome to Azhar Private Hospital

Azhar private hospital is part of Medigate Group which also includes Azhar polyclinics in Mawaleh and Mabella in addition to Azhar Cosmo Clinic. the hospital comes as a result of the leading healthcare services that the group has offered in the sultanate.

Our Motto

Healthcare that cares

Healthcare means to us more than a practice, it's a complete set of elements that need to work together to provide the required service in the right time and place


Our Mission and Vision

To be an innovative leader in providing high quality healthcare with strong ethical values to promote wellness to our community that exceed expectations Vision To be premier healthcare provider and at forefront of care delivery. To provide all patients with first class care as well as exceptional services.


Our Values

Affordable access to high quality services Patient safety Professionalism Team work Social responsibility

Our Recent Activities

  • خدمات عيادة الأنف والاذن والحنجرة

    خدمات عيادة الانف والاذن والحنجرةENT Clinic التهاب الجيوب الأنفية الزوائد اللحمية خلف الأنف إصابات الأنف التهابات الأذن الحادة والمزمنة التهابات و مشاكل الحنجرة و بحة الصوت التهاب اللوزتين الصداع والدوار و آلام والرقبة اضطرابات النطق والبلع اضطرابات النوم المختلفة بما في ذلك انقطاع النفس النومي للحجز والإستفسار :هاتف : مستشفى ازهار الخاص / 24278918هاتف :Read more

  • story and joy

    Successful stories of delayed pregnancy cases that were crowned with successRead more

  • Over use syndrome

    Over use syndrome Is a group of conditions affecting different joints of the body all are due to over (or miss) using the affected joint. An injury (tear) that occurred gradually to a tendon or ligament due to repetitive daily activities. Normally the body can repair these damages if given a good time of rest.Read more